Back to school it is…
It’s official. As many of us head back to school and work, we have to accept the winter holidays are officially over and everyday life is returning. We’re not going to lie, while we missed being at the office, we’re really going to miss spending the entire day in bed, binge-watchng Black Mirror on Netflix.
We know many of you are dreading the end of the holidays, so we’ve decided to cheer you up, with a little help from your YouTube faves. From police encounters to wacky sleep schedules, this edition of Tweets of the Week is guaranteed to brighten your day. (And leave you feeling a bit concerned for those you watch.)
Let’s jump into it!
Caught by the police
for further context, i currently look like THIS
"uh yeah, sorry, it was…it was my boyfriend"— savannah brown (@savannxhb) January 3, 2018
This was hands down our favourite tweet from the past week, and could only have happened to Bertie Gilbert and Savannah Brown.
Fruit is such a chore
Riley always tries to help but then hits me up with questions like “how do I cut a watermelon” so we really have a long way to go
— fiona 💞 (@neonfiona) January 6, 2018
We’re glad to see we’re not the only ones incapable of properly cutting watermelons. (Which is why we no longer eat them.) If the world wanted us to eat healthily, then it shouldn’t have made fruit so hard to cut open!
Literally us
Before you click a jacksepticeye video vs. after
— Jacksepticeye (@Jack_Septic_Eye) January 4, 2018
This is our journey watching every YouTube video ever.
LOL, what’s sleep?
*Falls asleep at 5:30am*
“Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I hope I can sleep tonight.”*Sleeps by midnight, wakes at 10 feeling thoroughly refreshed*
“C…could this be? Is this…a sign of…things to come? Am I…fixed?!”
— Daniel J. Layton (@DanielJLayton) January 5, 2018
Okay, who gave Daniel J. Layton our diary? This sounds exactly like every entry we’ve ever written in it… We miss sleep. If anyone knows where to find it, we’d really appreciate it if you’d let us know.
Wise words
i've been reading a buncha tweets along the lines of, "i miss the old youtube!!" just wanna remind y'all that your faves are still here making good shit – if you miss it, click it!! viewers decide every day what "youtube culture" is by what they watch. so what are YOU watching??
— tyler oakley (@tyleroakley) January 6, 2018
While this tweet from Tyler Oakley is different from the ones we regularly feature in Tweets of the Week, we felt it an important one to feature. They’re wise words from a YouTube vet.
Remember, we the viewers decide what YouTube culture is.
Tronnor or Troyler?
remember when the only youtube drama was whether you ship 'troyler' or 'tronnor'
— Sam Carr (@saamcarr) January 5, 2018
Ahh, what simpler times, Sam Carr! We very much miss those days. And still think those who shipped Tronnor are totes wrong. #Troyler4Lyfe
What a power move
my cat just looked me dead in the eye and then licked a candle
what kind of power move…— Chloe Dungate (@ScarfDemon) January 5, 2018
No-one had better mess with Chloe Dungate‘s cat, unless they want to deal with its might.
Adulthood, amiright?!
I’m 27 years old and I still use shot glasses as egg cups
— Calum McSwiggan (@CalumMcSwiggan) January 2, 2018
Calum McSwiggan, summing up adulthood in one tweet.
Hello, Cassandra
— Jon Aitken (@jonbehere) January 3, 2018
In case you were wondering why Jon Aitken always seemed so familiar, we should tell you he used to star as Cassandra in Doctor Who. We knew we recognised him from somewhere!
me: closes twitter app
my ridiculous goldfish brain: ,,,,,,,,,..:::::;;;;;!!!???????.
me, 2 seconds later: reopens twitter app— old man duties (@majaanushka) January 2, 2018
We’re glad we’re not the only ones who do this, Maja Anushka!
So there you have it…
The best YouTuber tweets from the past week! What will our faves say next? Who knows! But what we do know is they’ll always leave us laughing, whether we’re drowning in coursework or struggling to make our way to work after a holiday weekend.
Want more Tweets of the Week? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered:
- Tweets of the Week: 25 – 31 December 2017
- Tweets of the Week: 18 – 24 December 2017
- Tweets of the Week: 11 – 17 December 2017
- Tweets of the Week: 4 – 10 December 2017
- Tweets of the Week: 27 November – 3 December 2017
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