Confused about asexuality, or interested in learning more about it? Look no further than the funny, informative, and wonderful AmeliaAce!
From Alex Bertie to Rosie Spaughton and Rose Dix, YouTube and its community have always been a place for LGBTQ+ people and their allies to learn, connect, and grow. Whether it’s through watching coming out stories, discussions in the comments sections, or the process of creating videos, YouTube has undeniably been influential in connecting and educating today’s society in all matters LGBTQ+.
And AmeliaAce is no different. Between vlogs, videos about fandoms, and NaNoWriMo, her channel features everything you may need to know about asexuality.
With asexuality being one of the lesser known sexualities, there is a lot of misunderstanding and stigma around what it “actually means” to be so, making asexual representation more important than ever – and that’s where Amelia steps in. “Without asexual characters on TV and in [the] media, it’s hard to feel normal as a newly-out asexual person,” explains Amelia. “And it’s hard to explain asexuality to friends and family without characters you can refer to.”
Even on LGBTQ+-friendly YouTube, there’s “woefully little asexual content. Most of the videos out there are made by non-asexual people, and they’re very sensationalist, like ‘Wow, you won’t believe that these people don’t have sex!'” However, through her channel, Amelia is slowly growing an amazing community filled with positivity and understanding that is interested in discussing asexuality in a way that goes beyond the surface.
How did Amelia get started, exactly? Well, according to her, it all began around two years ago:
“I had this idea for a video, S*** People Say to Asexuals. It had been a trend on YouTube for a while to make S*** [Blank] People Say videos, and it was kind of a play on that. I posted about the idea on my Tumblr and a friend pointed out that I should stop talking about it and just do it. So I did, and some people watched, so I carried on!”
That was only the beginning. Since that fateful day, Amelia has created over 35 videos on everything to do with asexuality. Her favourite videos she’s made include Shit Not to Say to Asexual Women, Dating Asexual People, and Realising You’re Asexual | Ace Community, and they’re all perfect examples of why she is so well loved. Not only do they resonate with those who identify as asexual, but they are also informative to those not in the community who may want to find out more. Whether you’re totally new to the concept or know everything there is to know, you may well learn something from Amelia.
Since Amelia launched her channel, asexuality awareness has come a long way. “When I realised I was ace, there was nearly nothing,” she says. “Now, asexuality is coming out of the woodwork a bit, and I’m subscribed to several great ace YouTubers and have read books with asexual protagonists. It helps you feel less alone, like you’re part of a community.”
When discussing who inspires her, Amelia cites a range of YouTubers, including Rowan Ellis and US vlogger Milo Stewart, both of whom she admires. She also states she’s a big fan of US vlogger Ash Hardell, with whom she collaborated for the ABC’s of LGBT series: “I love the creativity that goes into those videos and how she consults and collaborates with other LGBTQIA+ people to make sure the content she’s producing is as accurate as possible.”
As for the future of Amelia’s channel? “Who can say?” states Amelia. “More videos on asexuality, of course. I want to start making educational videos on different parts of the asexual spectrum. Since I’m not demisexual or grey-ace, they tend to get overlooked on my channel.”
So have we convinced you to check out Amelia’s channel? Of course we have! So stop procrastinating and GO!
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