The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip hooray! The sun has got his hat on, and he’s coming out to play.
We have to admit, we’ve never been 100% convinced by that song. What sort of hat would the sun wear? Surely, the sun doesn’t need a hat, and if it does, what is it shading itself from? Maybe we’re overthinking things a bit, though. We mean, we’ve had our hats on a lot lately because it’s been sunny! And since we’re in the UK, we’re pretty much obliged to talk about the weather (along with tea and the Queen, of course).
Get yourselves outside, you lot. Just make sure to stay in range of wi-fi, so you can keep on watching this fine set of videos we’ve handpicked for you…
Soon Soon – Tom Rosenthal
Every sunny day needs a soundtrack, and this gorgeous song from Tom Rosenthal is JUST PERFECT for that. It’s no secret that we TenEighty folks are big fans of Tom’s music (we’re actually having a team singalong right now) and of course, this, with its beautiful video directed by Ed Stockham, is no exception.
We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve hit replay on this song and can’t help but feel it needs to be nestled comfortably into the soundtrack of a film or TV show somewhere… thoughts?
21 Signs You’re A Mess At 21 – Dominic.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last few years, it’s that adulting is hard and it would basically be easier if we could all just live as big kids forever, and we feel like Dominic Sizer seems to agree. Seriously, how awesome would that be?! Yes, he may have rounded up his list to the nearest 21, but that’s all part of adulting, right?
Also, if there’s another thing we’ve learned, it’s that every situation is made better with little clips of Britney Spears’ Lucky, which is now firmly lodged into our collective heads at TenEighty HQ. We forgot how much of a jam it is!
This Is Not A Toilet – ItsWayPastMyBedtime
The truly scrumptious Carrie Hope Fletcher (see what we did there?) has been trying out a new style of vlogging as of late, and we are totally loving the results! It’s safe to say that Carrie lives a very different life to a lot of other vloggers, what with all the Chitty touring she’s got going on.
Yes, Carrie is a busy, busy lady and she’s been taking us along with her as she travels to rehearsals for her new role in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. If we can’t ACTUALLY go on tour with her, then we’ll happy settle for this, from the comfort of TenEighty HQ. Win-win!
First Day Of My Life – NeveJenny
We’ve established that it’s sunny and that sunny days need good playlists… So here’s a second song for you to jam to whilst rocking your sunhat. From the lovely Néve McNally, it features fairy lights on rave mode. Oh, how we spoil you!
Seriously, even if it gets rainy this week (because, let’s face it, it snowed last week), we can just put this on and close our eyes. It’ll be just like it’s sunny outside again.
People Actually Watch This Crap? – Mike Boyd
Mike Boyd‘s usual videos may document him learning new skills in a ridiculously short amount of time (which you should totally go and watch, by the way), but this one’s a little bit different.
We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve heard people make excuses for not making videos, based around their lack of production abilities whilst simultaneously watching production values across YouTube get higher and higher. And we’ve probably heard “do people actually watch this crap?” a few times, as well.
If you’ve ever wanted to make videos, but are worried about your level of production skills, then we suggest you give Mike’s video a watch. Go on. Do it. We dare you.
Still enjoying the sunshine and want a bit more to watch? Well then, it’s a good thing we’ve got you covered!
The lovely Doug Armstrong has shared his coming out story with us, and we couldn’t be prouder! We know how helpful these sorts of videos can be, so we applaud Doug for adding his story to the chorus of voices on YouTube.
We probably spend far to much time trying out Snapchat filters, and sometimes we just wish we could have one on our face all the damn time! But fear not: Cherry Wallis has us covered with this Snapchat makeup tutorial. Hooray!
Dean Dobbs has vlogged about why he doesn’t vlog, which actually happens to make a really good vlog. Have we said vlog too much? Probably, but who cares! Vlog more please, Dean.
Think we missed anything? Let us know at @TenEightyUK on Twitter or TenEighty UK on Facebook.