Savlonic, the animated band created by the team behind Weebl’s Stuff, have set up a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the creation of their second album.
Savlonic are an animated synth-pop band created by Jonti ‘Weebl’ Picking and Weebl’s Stuff. The team are looking to create ten new tracks, as well as animated music videos, for their new album Neon and have have set up a campaign on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to help fund the project. The team had previously used the platform in February 2014 to fund their debut album, Red.
Fundraising for the album will run until 1 May, with the team stating they would like to produce physical copies of the album, as well as digital downloads, with the money raised. Jonti is hoping to raise £30,000 and, as with most Kickstarter campaigns, supporters will be offered perks for donating, including photobooks, Neon t-shirts and vinyl copies of the album. Those able to contribute £1,000 will also be given the opportunity to appear as an animated character in one of the music videos.
Many YouTubers and fellow animators, including Tom Ridgewell and US vlogger Jack Douglass, have shown their support for the project on social media and have encouraged their followers to donate whatever they can:
.@TheSavlonic, aka the best animated band since The Gorillaz, are kickstarting their new album! I want it >:U
— TombScare (@thetomska) April 4, 2016
If you've ever seen @TheWeebl's Savlonic music vids, you know how stupidly cool they are. Help fund their 2nd album!
— Great Flag (@jacksfilms) April 4, 2016
Those wishing to learn more about the project or to donate can do so by visiting Savlonic’s Kickstarter page.
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