We all have memories of last year’s Summer In The City convention…
Watching live performances, screaming at our favourite YouTubers as they come on stage, finally getting to hug them at the meet and greets (and perhaps even sobbing gently into their shoulders as you confess how much you loved their last TRYING FOREIGN CANDY video.) Or maybe you just spent the whole weekend watching from the comfort of your own bedroom, wishing desperately that you were there.
With only a week and a bit to go until SitC 2015, here’s our recap of last year.
5. Mental Health Panel – Summer in the City
SitC is a lot of fun but it’s also an incredible opportunity to get people together to talk about serious stuff in an open and safe space. Just ONE example of this was the Mental Health Panel.
Chaired by Lex Croucher, it featured YouTubers such as Gary C, Tom Ridgewell and Rebecca Brown. Together they discussed their own personal experiences with mental health and why they’re so vocal about it online. They also battled the sound of torrential rain on Alexandra Palace’s roof throughout the entire thing. Inspiring in every way.
4. the worst daily vlog in the world #SITC – poppylikesyou
In terms of SitC coverage this video is – as its name suggests – pretty dire, but with a load of recognisable faces and some frighteningly intimate close ups it does convey the literal and emotional journey one must make to reach the convention itself. Poppy Dodgson, you did good.
Also, the 4:30am scene does make us fondly recall the exhaustion of attending the weekend. Sweet, sweet exhaustion and pain.
3. SUMMER IN THE CITY – Bry and Candice
Ever wanted to take to the stage at SitC? Bry brings us along as he performs, showing us what it’s like to look down onto a sea of adoring viewers (ourselves included).
It’s a pretty magical experience that we’d quite like to see happen again and Bry, we sincerely hope you’ve found some more Hufflepuffs since making this vlog.
2. Shaving Emma Blackery | Summer in the City Day 2 – Evan Edinger
Emma Blackery raised a TON of money for charity by shaving her head at last year’s SitC, and we could not be prouder. It also makes EXCELLENT viewing, and thanks to Evan Edinger we got a front row seat. Skip straight to the 5:25 mark to see Emma’s dad begin the transformation on stage in front of a huge crowd. 12 months later and we’re still proud of you, Emma.
Of course, the rest of the video is just as interesting, and starts off with Evan absolutely drenched because of the torrential rain. Much like a lot of us were. #Memories.
1. SitC vs Beethoven – Tomek
Tomek only just got round to uploading this beauty. Superbly shot and edited to perfection, the video encapsulates the essence of SitC i.e. people having the time of their lives. LOOK AT ALL THE SMILES!
The energy from the crowd is almost palpable, and just watching it makes us over-excited to be a part of it again. Also, HOW GOOD IS PATTY WALTERS IN SLO MO, AMIRITE?!
Are you going to Summer in the City 2015?
We’ll be there with the latest edition of the physical copy of TenEighty and we’d love to meet you!
Follow us @TenEightyUK on Twitter or TenEighty UK on Facebook to stay up-to-date with our SitC plans. In the meantime, you probably need some more Five of the Bests in your life – here you go: