So you want to be a YouTuber, do you?
Well, what are the chances: we want you to become one too! Being a creator on YouTube is one of the best things you could ever be. We mean, come on, what other job allows you to geek out over cameras, work from home in your pyjamas and be on the internet all day?
While ‘starter packs’ are a hilarious meme that has given us this, this and this, we’re yet to see one that actually give you the key tips to get started. From lighting, editing and fringes, we’ve hunted through YouTube to create our very own YouTuber Starter Pack. And all of it is totally serious (well some of it isn’t!).
5. How to Start Making YouTube Videos – Neelesh Dooraree
We were once told that nobodies aren’t very good with advice, but what about self-proclaimed talented nobodies? Neelesh Dooraree, we don’t think you’re a nobody. In fact, we think you’re pretty rad!
Neelesh is there for those of us who are completely clueless about what cameras, editing software and lighting to use. He aggressively explains why we should not use Windows Movie Maker (pfft, who even uses Windows Movie Maker nowadays. That’s soooo 2007), and offers up some genuinely good advice regarding audience engagement and how best to communicate with others in the community. And you know us, we love a bit of community chatter!
If there’s one thing to take from Neelesh, it’s this: Eye contact is the most important aspect of a video to connect with your viewers. But don’t do it in a creepy way – that might scare everyone away.
4. How to make a super bright LED light panel – Matthew Perks
Often people think that in order to make high quality videos, they need to spend hundreds of pounds. Well, guess what internet people, you don’t! As Matthew Perks explains, you can make a pretty damn good light for around £40. Granted, you need to be quite good at handiwork, but we have complete faith in you (but please don’t hold us liable for anything).
Why include a video about making a light you ask? We want to show you that you don’t need to be extremely rich in order to make high-quality videos. By simply going around the house or to your local hardware store, you can make equipment that can easily rival that of large YouTube stars. After all, isn’t YouTube all about ‘do-it-yourself’ and building your own equipment is as DIY as it gets.
So grab your equipment, a friend and possibly a half dozen bandages and get to work. That light isn’t going to build itself now, is it?
3. Get The Youtube Look: HAIR EDITION – Jamie Christopherson
Everyone knows that in order to succeed on YouTube, one must first have what we on the internet call “the YouTube look”. You know the one we’re talking about: the swoopy fringe, the straight hair – those luscious locks that have you screaming at your computer screen in envy.
Unfortunately, not all of us were born with such fabulous looking hair, but don’t fret because Jamie Christopherson‘s got our back. As Jamie shows us, achieving this look is no small feat (you have to plug a hair straightener into a socket, which, if you’ve ever tried doing so before, is a lot more difficult than it looks), but at the end of it all, you’ll have the one thing that’ll make people subscribe: the fringe.
Remember, quality content and personality aren’t what gain YouTubers likes and subscribers. It’s all about the hair. Perfect the YouTuber look and the viewers will come running.
2. How does YouTube work tho – Dodie Clark
Now that you know the basics of YouTube, it’s time to to delve right into the nitty-gritty details, like how to deal with nerves and (the eventual) hate, and who better to teach us all a thing or two than YouTube’s resident sweetheart, Dodie Clark.
Coming from the mind of a former fangirl (her words, not ours), Dodie’s advice to budding YouTubers is to not let nerves and haters bring them down. Her main tip: be nice. As long as you’re nice, you’ll have people who are interested in watching your videos and supporting new ventures. She also speaks about finding your own niche and building your own brand. Be sure to grab a notepad and pen.
Along with all this, she also answers the question that’s been on everyone’s mind: would she rather murder Evan Edinger with a spoon or become a spoon herself? Thank you so much, Dodie, for finally letting us know the answer. We can now peacefully fall asleep knowing which option you’d choose.
1. HOW TO MAKE VIDEOS – Felix Kjellberg
Ever wanted to know how to make your own gameplay videos? Well, who better to teach you the tricks of the trade than the master himself!
Felix Kjellberg, or Pewdz as he’s better known, teaches us quite a lot throughout this tutorial and we honestly can’t decide what we like better. Could it be his insightful commentary, the background music (which we totally didn’t mosh to in the office) or the tip he gave us regarding how to get malfunctioning equipment to work. Seriously, who know the way to fix an Elgato Gameplay Capture Card would be to read its serial number and then smash it with a hammer? It definitely works a lot better than troubleshooting.
Felix, thank you for this ultra informative tutorial. All hail the King of YouTube Gameplay.
So there you have it…
Our YouTube Starter Pack. We hope it’s given you the push needed to start making your own videos and have offered up enough tips to ensure your content is the top notch! And if all else fails, here’s a visual reminder of the key things to remember:
YouTube Starter Pack (AKA Five of the Best: Videos to get you started on YouTube)
— TenEighty UK (@TenEightyUK) April 1, 2015
Interested in learning more about YouTube? Why not check our 6 Reasons You Should Start Making Videos or our Guide to Joining a Network, or give Charlie McDonnell’s Guide To Rebranding Your Content a read.
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