Content creators have been warned to expect a drop in their subscriber count as YouTube plans a cull of dead accounts.
YouTube said the move was an attempt to keep a fair playing field for everyone, which will see suspended accounts deducted from subscriber numbers on 16 June 2014.
YouTube Operations Specialist Katie Hushion said: “It’s extremely important to us that these numbers stay meaningful, so that you can be sure that when your sub count grows, it’s because you’re building a community of real fans who are going to keep watching and supporting you”.
A new automated system is also being implemented which automatically removes suspended accounts as they occur.
Reassuring content creators, Katie said: “You don’t need to do anything to prepare for this change. Just keep being you, and making YouTube great”.
Are you an older YouTuber with a long-established audience? Do you think the drop in subscribers will affect your channel? Leave us your thoughts below.
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