During the month of May, Muslims around the world are taking part in the holy month of Ramadan. However, this year will be a lot more different than most. In a one-take video, Subhi Taha breaks down exactly what it means to have the month of Ramadan whilst in quarantine.
Subhi starts the video talking us through some of the things he has been doing during quarantine – a little bit of home decor, learning new music skills – and he mentions how much he wants to learn more about his culture. He does this before moving into a discussion about Ramadan and his feelings about the holy month.
As he explains, Ramadan is usually a time when the community comes together, holding gatherings and congregating for prayers. Of course, with social distancing, this won’t be happening this year. Rather than thinking this is bad thing, Subhi actually says this can serve as a “reality check”, as it will allow us to go back to the depth and basis of Ramadan, which is to bring us closer to God.
While he was mentally prepared for what the month was going to be like, the one thing which only hit Subhi recently was Eid, the festival which happens straight after Ramadan. Unlike in the past, he won’t be able to visit the mosque, or see his friends and family.
The message he closes out the video with is to use the extra time we have to study as much as we can. See what online classes your local mosques are doing, amongst other things, to get the most out of what you can from the month.
“If you are struggling with it, the best thing to do is obviously talk about it, but also not to let the time fly by, and when one is ready, to take advantage of the free time and build your relationship with God,’ he says, adding that doing this will enable you to reap the rewards of your efforts for the rest of your life.
With that, we would like to wish everyone celebrating the holy month of Ramadan all the best.
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