The Thirteenth Doctor. The D23 Expo. San Diego Comic Con. Our little nerd hearts have been so happy all week.
The thing is, it’s exhausting trying to keep up with both the outside world AND YouTube. *wipes sweat off forehead*
But don’t worry. As always, we have your back. Grab a cuppa and a blanket, cosy up in your favourite chair, and relax as we help you get up to speed – it’s time for another Weekly Round-Up!
Painting YouTubers | ScarfDemon
Showing off her incredible skills, Chloe Dungate starts off this week’s Round-Up. Honestly, this girl never ceases to amaze us.
This video is a little bit different from her Painting Talk videos, but is just as entertaining, AND she doodles loads of your faves. It was fun to guess who was who and then see if we were right at the end. We could make out some of them straight away!
We are all guilty of taking our friends for granted. We don’t mean to, but every once in a while, life gets in the way and we forget to appreciate all the wonderful people in our lives and all of the wonderful things they do for us. This week, Coral Francis reminded us how important our friendships are in a lovely tribute to her friends.
Whether your friends are your flatmates or at a uni across the country, don’t forget to tell them you love them.
Anxiety – Spill The Tea | Evan Edinger
Is it just us or are Evan Edinger and Luke Cutforth the spitting image of the Kermit meme in this thumbnail? Of course that is the point but the likeness is just uncanny.
In this video, Evan and Luke have a very open and honest chat about mental health – more specifically, anxiety – busting myths, discussing the obstacles faced by people that deal with mental health issues, and talking about how they cope with their experiences. We are so glad that these boys are trying to end some of the stigma around the topic.
Chester Bennington Tribute | Cameron Sanderson
We know what you’re thinking: Cameron Sanderson in the Round-Up twice in one month? Is this a joke?!
No, it’s not a joke, and we promise we aren’t trying to play favourites. It’s just that, like a lot of the world, we are taking the death of Chester Bennington pretty hard over here at TenEighty, and we couldn’t not share this video with you.
Cameron brings us a beautiful tribute to an absolute l e g e n d whom we’re all going to miss dearly. And we know we’ve been saying it quite a bit recently, but you may want to grab your tissues for this one, because we started crying watching this video. RIP Chester, thank you for all you’ve done for us.
What’s Wrong With My Vagina?! | Rowan Ellis
Haven’t heard of vaginismus? Us neither. That is, until Rowan Ellis educated us. A lot of people with vaginas may have this condition without knowing it, or even being aware that it exists.
Many people feel uncomfortable talking about their bodies, and may not have access to a vast array of Sex Ed information, so we thought it was important to share this lovely and informative video. Knowledge is the only kind of wealth that multiplies when you give it away, so why keep it to ourselves?
Not quite done with your tea? That’s alright, we’ve got a few more videos for you to enjoy…
Hannah Witton takes you through her technology detox and discusses its difficulties.
Zoe Sugg shows us a unique glimpse into her twenty-sixth year. Man, we forgot how cool One Second Every Day videos can be.
So many haul videos were uploaded this week, but only one sticks out of the crowd: the one and only Luke Williams shows us some of his summer style.
And last, but certainly not least, Grace Victory gives us a serious case of style envy while showing us some serious wardrobe staples for your next holiday.
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