So… three years makes a tradition right?
We’re back (again) with ten of your favourites talking about all their Christmas memz. From Game Boy Colors to Christmas go-karting, each of these creators are helping us to ring in the festive feels and close out an… interesting… 2016 on a high! *cue the Crimbo music*
Lex Croucher

baby Lex
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“I love Christmas so much and my family have always made it really special, so I’m really lucky that all of my Christmas memories are good. Something that really stands out is the year when, after we’d opened our presents, my parents told us to go into the dining room for a surprise and they’d bought a microwave. For some weird reason, we hadn’t had a microwave for years – my parents didn’t bother buying a new one after the old one died – so we lost our MINDS over that microwave.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“Stop being so materialistic TenEighty! The best gift I’ve ever received is, of course, love and joy and family… and maybe my first laptop or maybe the electric guitar I got when I was about 13.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“I literally can’t remember any of the gifts I’ve bought for people. Even this year. Where am I? Who are you?”
Tim H
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“My dad has a strange Christmas tradition in which in he takes our entirely family go-karting… because nothing says holiday spirit like competitive motorsport. Either way, I’ll always remember the Christmas where I finally came in second! I’ll never beat my older brother but I overtook my dad.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“The first ever camera I got was a Christmas present from my dad that I had to share with sister. I think it cemented my love for making films so I can’t think of a better present than that.”
Erika Felton
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Pre-China, all my Christmases were flaming balls of fiery hell (thanks Australia), so my favourite holiday memory is the year we moved and I got to start having cold Christmases. Actually relating to every Christmas song ever made a nice change (nobody’s willingly roasting chestnuts on an open fire back in Australia).”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“After five years, it just so happened one of my best friends got me for Secret Santa. She put together a ‘going to London’ pack that was accompanied by little notes. Amongst them was a necklace with a silver paper plane with the note, ‘For every jetsetter there is a way home’. I’m the biggest sentimental sap so every little note left me in a (happy) teary mess.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“Like I said, I’m a sentimentalist, so I can get pretty full on. The year that I thought my best friend was moving home from China (which it turned out later, she wasn’t), I wrote her a five-page letter with anecdotal recounts and photos of happy times. I think it was mostly special because of how out-of-the-ordinary it is now to sit down and actually handwrite full letters rather than one long Facebook post.”
Mark Ferris
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Every year me and my whole family follow the same routine of spending time together. It’s just one of those days in the year where the whole family can get together!”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“NOTHING tops the feeling I had when I first got my Game Boy Color!”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“This year, I was able to treat my parents to a spa weekend in an amazing manor house. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for so long!”
Gary C
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Going downstairs to find the living room door locked. I remember the excitement of waiting for my parents to wake up, whilst wondering where the key was!”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“I received a huge keyboard! I wanted to write songs and be a popstar like Kylie Minogue!”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“Years ago, I bought my friend an N64 because hers had died and she was really into gaming. I wanted to tell her before Christmas, but kept the secret – just about!”
Sam Saffold
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Seeing my younger brother’s excitement for the season was always just as good as the season itself. That, or any time I wake up and it’s snowed.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“Last year, I got a new camera lens. When my nan asked me if I planned on using it for selfies I shamelessly said yes.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“Wait, you’re meant to get oft for other people at Christmas too? Oh, who knew…?
“I got my brother a Kindle to help him through his university reading. I think he expected me to get him a really small gift that year and so that surprise felt pretty good, and he still uses it.”

Jamie dressed as Santa
Jamie Jo
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Every year for Christmas when I was little, my sister and I would made fake Christmas cookies out of Play-Doh. One year, when my nan was visiting, we showed her the cookies with pride, and she thought they were real. She took a big bite, and then proceeded to cuss and flap her arms with a sour face!”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“Giant Tinker Toys! I got to make forts with my friends with those throughout my school years.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“I bought Tom Burns a replica Master Sword from Zelda. When he opened the present, his parents started to freak out because ‘apparently’ weapons are not allowed in England :’) I was a silly American. All ended well though, Tom was very happen with it!”
Elliot Gough

What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“I’m bad at giving gifts, but I did once surprise myself one year. I had a girlfriend who had lost faith in herself creatively, which SUCKED. It filled me with a fire I had never felt before. I went and collected a bunch of art supplies of all different shapes and sizes. I essentially managed to make her room look like an art class. Faith restored! Carpets ruined! Success!”
Zannah Perrins
What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
“Every year at Christmas when I was growing up we would drive three hours to stay at my Grandma’s house where our whole family would meet, and we all gave each other presents and watched TV and had a big buffet that my Grandma put together. She’s sold that house now, and I don’t usually get to see them all during the holidays anymore, so those memories mean a lot to me.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
“A cat! I got a cat as a joint birthday and Christmas present, a whole entire real life cat, and I called her Magic. She’s lovely.”
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? What made it so special?
“When I was about seven, I got my dad a dolphin shaped bean bag that was meant for resting cameras on. He said he was really pleased with it because he knew he’d use it and he liked the novelty of it. It wasn’t massively special but it was the first time I really really enjoyed giving someone a gift, because I knew he liked it so much.”
Want more?
Check out some of the following features by TenEighty:
- TenEighty Yearbook 2016
- Is YouTube Leaving Creators Behind?
- Facebook Video: The New Champion?
- Five of the Best: Christmas Videos 2016
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