Another week on YouTube…
It might be all rainy outside but don’t worry, dear TenEighty readers, we’re back with another Weekly Round-Up to share the latest and greatest from the UK YouTube community. It’s kind of our thing.
Before we start, we’d love to get your suggestions on which videos to include in future Weekly Round-Up articles. Drop us a tweet to @TenEightyUK if you fancy it.
Anyway, on with the show!
Berlin in 71 Seconds – Sarah Close
It turns out that Sarah Close is not only an incredibly talented singer / songwriter, she’s also pretty good at the whole YouTube filmy thing too. In this video, Saz documents her travels to Berlin. Not only that, she does it in 71 seconds. Impressive.
This video gives a great snapshot of the travelling life. Staying in hostels, living out of a rucksack and occasionally dribbling on your pillows. She’s only human, give her a break.
YouTubers Life – KSI
Remember that YouTuber simulation game we told you about recently? Yeah, that’s a thing. Here we see KSI give it a go and it’s fair to say he doesn’t hold back about his thoughts on it. Sure, it’s a bit rough and ready but it looks like a pretty LOL game and the video makes for good viewing too.
Disclaimer: If you’ve never seen a KSI video before, be prepared. It’s probably not suitable for younger children, prudes or anyone watching YouTube videos on the sly at their work desk. Yes, we see you.
Why I Gave Up Coffee – Chris Bingham
Coffee. Java. A good old cup of joe. We drink quite a lot of it at TenEighty HQ. It’s the only thing that keeps us powering through after watching 17 hours worth of MoreZoella vlogs. Anyway, where were we?
Oh yeah. In this bingradio video, Chris Bingham talks openly about his addiction. Sure, there might be worse addictions in the world but COFFEE IS A DRUG. Sorry, we’re having withdrawal. If you’re considering giving up caffeine but haven’t found the willpower, this video might just help. Or it might not. Who’re we, the caffeine police? Live your best life with or without caffeine. You do you. Etc. Okay, probably time for a refill.
Caramel Oaty Bars Filmed Live! – SORTEDfood
We love the boys at SORTEDfood. Whenever they pop up in our subscriptions our tummies rumble and our mouths start salivating (lovely thought, right?). So when we saw this Caramel Oaty Bars video we immediately stopped what we were doing (googling pictures of Chris Kendall) and gathered around to watch it.
Not only is this an awesome recipe, the chaps filmed it live! Well, as-live. But that’s still totally cool with us. And their video editor, we imagine. We’ll definitely be putting this recipe on our to do list. Along with the other 183 SORTED recipes we’ve never got round to making. They look so good though! One day, right?
LGBT People Shot in Gay Club in Florida – Calum McSwiggan
Finally, it’s important to stop and reflect on the horrific events that took place in Florida over the weekend. As LGBTQ+ topics are so widely discussed and celebrated in the YouTube community, sometimes it’s easy to forget that the rest of the world isn’t always on the same page. There’s still a long way to go.
In this video, Calum McSwiggan shares a very personal reaction to the news as he visits the US to attend a gay pride event. This evening, people all over the UK are coming together for vigils to honour the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting. We’re grateful to Cal for sharing this video with his audience and encouraging conversation.
If you’d like to read more…
Gary C has opened up about asking for help and the importance of letting others know when you’re struggling. Although it can be tough, it’s often a great step towards recovery.
Looking after yourself and self care is a big deal. Gracie Francesca has shared her experiences in this advice video.
Carrie Hope Fletcher wrote an original song this week as she couldn’t sleep. It’s definitely worth a listen if you’ve got a spare 60 seconds.
Did we miss anything else? Let us know at @TenEightyUK on Twitter or TenEighty UK on Facebook.