When you think of the word “super”, we bet you think of Captain America, Iron Man, and Stingray (yes, he’s actually a superhero, google it).
We at TenEighty HQ, however, think of Sam Saffold-Geri of SuperSamStuff, and boy oh boy is his channel just that. (We mean super, not full of stuff.)
Sam started up his channel way back in the yesteryear of 2012, but SuperSamStuff wasn’t the original name Sam was shooting for.
“I had a channel called StuffFromSam that I planned to use, but it was empty,” he explains. “SuperSamStuff was a backup name, and one that I kinda hated at first, but I think as I’ve grown to really enjoy what I do the name has grown on me.”
Dw, Sam – TenEighty was a backup name, too. We were originally meant to be called “WeluvYout00b69xx” but it was taken. *sad face*
Of course we are blessed by Sam’s presence on the platform, but what made him turn to YouTube in the first place?
“What really got me was the idea of documenting my own life and changes that I wouldn’t notice until they had passed,” he says. “Combining that with the idea of building something I could be proud of had me sold.”
Sam’s videos often consist of witty, intelligent moments delivered in a classic vlogger style. He sits in front of a camera and spills, and we soak it up like the content sponges we are. The thing that strikes us most about Sam is his natural ability to come off ridiculous cool all the time. (It’s not fair on everyone else, Sam!)
“I have days where I really feel comfortable in my own skin,” says Sam, trying to pass on his secret to coolness. “I guess it’s just a matter of chasing those days? Who knows?”
So, it’s comfort that does it, eh? We’re buying some blankets.
Why is YouTube so White? was uploaded in 2015. In this video, Sam critiques the lack of racial diversity on YouTube in a witty, informative and – yep, you guessed it – extremely cool fashion. Since then, he’s still been getting positive responses in the comments. The issue is still hugely prevalent on the platform.
“I think opinions on diversity on YouTube are changing as people are becoming more aware of it in other areas of media,” he says. “The Oscar controversy was a great example of people asking the questions that have been on many of our minds for a while now.”
Sam adds that the power to make change is completely down to the viewer(s). “For now, I stand by the ideas that you shouldn’t be watching anyone unless you enjoy the stuff they make, but people should consider seeking out people and stories that they wouldn’t normally, as they might be pleasantly surprised.”
With a channel that’s so unique and… chilly? (we didn’t want to say “cool” again, okay?), we’re sure Sam has bundles of advice for creators just getting started.”I’d say don’t be afraid to start small,” he says. “I know people who don’t make videos and want to jump right in with expensive cameras and fancy editing software.
“Sometimes it’s best to just dip a toe and see if you enjoy it first. That’s what I did, and I’m really glad, because it let me find a style before I was too concerned with visuals.”
So, what does the future hold for SuperSamStuff? Fighting bad guys? Forming a team of crime-fighting justice warriors? Oh, wait, that’s Marvel again… Sorry.
“As the channel grows, I get to meet more and more great people who make me want to make more, which is a pretty great feeling,” he says. “Just gotta keep up the pace and see how to make them even better.”
Sam does reveal that he has a short film in the works, due for release this year, which so far has reviews such as “in its final stages of post-production” and “flawed as hell, but I look forward to people seeing it.
“Robots,” he teases. “The future has robots.”
WE KNEW IT. YOU ARE A CRIME FIGHTING SUPERHERO. When Sam finally reveals his superhero identity publicly, we want you all to know we called it. Thnx.
Not enough for ya?
Check out our last Channel Spotlight on Shosh and Mer if you want more rad content, or check out our weekly round-up from 2015 (ZOMG THROWBACK) that featured Sam’s Why is YouTube so White? video here.
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