The clocks turned back this weekend…
Giving us an extra hour to watch videos this week!* We have the duty, nay the HONOUR of watching and collating videos all throughout the week in order to grace you lot with a concise and detailed** list of the best ones!
It’s dark outside, but it’s always light in the magical land of YouTube!***
So, whack on some fluffy socks, pour yourself the hottest of hot chocolates (with whipped cream and marshmallows OBVIOUSLY) and get your video fix QUENCHED.
*We slept like a hog on a log.
**May not be accurate.
***Unless you scroll through PJ Liguori‘s favourites list. Honestly, try it. It’s really quite eye-opening.
I’ve Been Worse (Original song) – emmablackery
Now, on with the important stuff (not that your hair isn’t ‘important stuff’, it totally is to us).
The newest video from #rockchick Emma Blackery is a lovely, touching song called I’ve Been Worse and we in absolutely no way pressed the ‘repeat’ button after we finished watching it. Nope nope nope.
Uplifting, sensitive and DANG CATCHY (we’re aware we sound like embarrassing parents trying to be hip) Emma’s new song is a treat for the eyes and ears.
The video has emoji pillows in it, what more could you possibly want?!
Welcome To The Future – #BackToTheFutureDay | AdamIsAVlogger – AdamIsAVlogger
If our calculations are correct, if you read this article at 88 miles per hour… well, that’s quite silly really. Have a sit down and read it properly. Thank you.
Adam Ashford uploaded on 21 October 2015 and if you don’t know what’s so special about that date then maybe you should go back in time and find out. Or just Google it…
Talking about the predictions that the Back To The Future series made about 2015 and trying to enjoy the present, Adam gets pretty darn deep towards the end. See you in the future, Adam. See you in the future.
The Mawaan Show – Halloween Special – Mawaan Rizwan
If you’ve never seen a fully grown man dressed as a witch fall over on a packed tube, then today is your lucky day! Mawaan Rizwan uploaded the 8th installment of his SMASH-HIT series The Mawaan Show this week, but this time it was extra spoopy!
You might want to finish the hot chocolate you made before watching this video; it may not sit well.
We love Mawaan and we don’t feel that we could ever accurately describe his show, but if we had to use three words they would be:
– Surreal
– Avant-Garde
– Hilarious
Here at TenEighty HQ, we’re not afraid to admit that we’re basic. We’re so very, very basic and we are PROUD OF IT.
Yes, we will have a PUMPKIN SPICE EEEEEEVERYTHAAANG with a side of kale, kthxbi.
Charlotte Ryan, you are our saviour. Our hero. OUR GODDESS. Thank you for gracing our screens this week with your delicious recipe for pumpkin spice hot chocolate *shivers*.
Give this a watch and (pumpkin) SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!
Now, we absolutely ADORE Adele, but we’re not sure what happened to her in this video.
She seems quite distracted and a little flustered being interviewed by Niki & Sammy Albon. They attempt to talk to the singer about her newest single and try to get to know her a little better, but it doesn’t seem to pan out all that well… (Her eyeliner is spectacular, however.)
Oh, wait. It’s Sammy. Sammy’s dressed up as- oh dear that was embarrassing.
Time to open more tabs, people!
It doesn’t end there! There have been SO MANY VIDEOS this week, we simply couldn’t resist giving you an extra couple (don’t tell anyone).
Dane Cobain uploaded a poem this week all about dying. It may sound morbid, but it’s super intelligent so go and give it a watch.
Mark Ferris came to us this week with an American Horror Story inspired make-up tutorial which contains a GREEN SCREEN, so you have to watch it.
Harry Marshall of ‘hazgown’ fame uploaded a video catching us up on all of his crazy hijinks over the past few months and GOLLY GOSH are we happy to be up to speed. We’ve wondered where his cheeky little face had gotten to.
Now, we’re sorry but that’s it for this week! Have some tissues; we know it’s difficult.
Did you see anything this week that was ITCHING for a Round-Up mention? Or is there something out this week that you think simply HAS to be in the next one? Why not tweet us @TenEightyUK or drop us a line on FacebookTenEightyUK.