To celebrate 10 years of YouTube, we thought it was time to crack out some fun facts…
We all know about beautiful vlogger faces, LOLcats and videos of people falling over that we secretly love to watch – but there are a few things you probably didn’t know about YouTube. Gather round kiddos!
1. Gangnam Style gets 1 million views per day
That’s right! The most viewed video of all time, Gangnam Style still to this day receives 1 millions view each and every day. We’re inclined to think that 90% of those views are from our team desperately trying to perfect the dance. How retro.
2. My Snowboarding Skillz was the second YouTube video
Everyone know that the first YouTube video was Me at the Zoo, where we found out elephants have “really, really, really long trunks” and that they’re “cool”. But did you know the second video ever uploaded was My Snowboarding Skillz?
It shows someone falling over on a snowboard, and is probably the reason FAIL videos began. We know you enjoy watching people falling over, you can’t deny it.
Another fun (unrelated to YouTube) fact is that a group of elephants is actually called a parade. You’re all welcome. We’re nothing but thorough here at TenEighty.
3. U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia have the highest per capita YouTube viewership in the world
Due to strict and often government dictated TV programming, young people from countries such as Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. have taken to YouTube in their millions to create relatable and enjoyable content for their fellow younger humans. We’re so good to you at TenEighty. We expect a ‘World’s Greatest Teacher’ mug and a shiny red apple.
4. The Most Popular Cat on YouTube is Nyan Cat
Grumpy Cat needs to sit herself back down and leave the job to the veterans. Nyan Cat is YouTube’s favourite furry feline with over 120 million views. Nyan, nyan, n-nyan n- NO IT’S STUCK IN OUR HEADS AGAIN.
5. You can navigate YouTube in a total of 76 different languages
You can scroll through YouTube in a huge number of languages from Albanian to Uzbeck, covering over 95% of the internet population. We’re still waiting for Dothraki, but i’m sure we’ll be sitting around for a while on that one… Hash yer ray tih zhavors chiorisi anni?
6. YouTube’s #1 non-music video is Charlie Bit My Finger (Again)
With more than 800 million views, the nail-biting sequel to the timeless Charlie Bit My Finger brings us yet more japes between the adorable little brothers. We’ve filmed countless homages to these videos – but somehow we’re not sure how cute we are when biting each other’s extremities. NO – NAUGHTY.
7. Half of YouTube views worldwide are on a mobile device
People say that we’re a generation who’s addicted to their mobiles – and with access to YouTube on them can you really blame us?! Half of all of the videos watched on YouTube are done so using a tablet, phone or similar.
8. Rebecca Black’s Friday is viewed almost x3 as much on Fridays as any other day of the week
Frankly, we think it’d be sacrilege to have it any other way. Friday is the day you gotta get down on – and how else are you going to do that than by listening to this weekend party-starter. (We’ve also heard that if you listen to it on other days Rebecca Black sheds a single tear for each view).
9. On average, creators get more views from outside their home country than within it
Some of our favourite UK YouTubers are more than likely getting most their views from other countries – sometimes a large amount more! For every one local view of an Australian-made video, there are another nine views overseas.
So, basically what we’re saying is; go on holiday and chuck your business cards everywhere you go. Each business card is worth 9 that way. (May be false – we’re not that strong on maths).
10. People around the world have Rickroll’d each other more than 70 million times
Rick Astley you cheeky, beautiful human being – you don’t know what you’ve done for our generation. Years and years of Rickrolling; just thinking about it fills us with pure joy… and trepidation.
70 million Rickrolls. That’s one for every person living in London, Tokyo, NYC, Mumbai, Cairo, and Buenos Aires combined! We’re never gonna give up on Rickrolling – we know it’ll never let us down or run around and desert us.
That’s your lot!
No no, don’t tempt us. If we did any more it wouldn’t make sense. 10 Years. 10 Facts. Right?
Oh, and YouTube… Happy Birthday! To celebrate we made a personalised TenEighty video of us all singing “Happy Birthday to YouTube”. You can see it here.
If you know of any other super interesting and cool facts about YouTube you can Tweet them to us using @TenEightyUK or drop us a message on Facebook at TenEightyUK.