Who said YouTubers aren’t some of the most talented people around?
Not only do they create super awesome (and often times, hilarious) videos for our entertainment, but some of them also dabble in the musical arts, writing songs and recording music videos that have viewers dancing around their rooms and scaring the cat with their singing.
Well, we here at TenEighty thought it was time to salute these awesome artists and what better way to do so than to gather up our faves and present them to you in what shall be known as Five of the Best: YouTuber Anthems.
5. Hero – Cherry Wallis
Starting off our list is Cherry Wallis‘ Hero. Cherry released this little gem way back at the end of 2013 and we’ve loved it ever since. Not only is it super catchy – seriously, a few of us were singing it the other day – but the video is pretty awesome too. Who would have thought filming in the forest could look so cool? Good call, Chris Foxx.
Cherry has hinted at releasing new music as some point in the future, so join us in pleading with her to release it ASAP! We need it in our lives. Honestly, we doubt we can go on without it.
4. Astronauts – BriBry
Oh, BriBry, our favourite little tall songwriter, how are you able to write such lovely music? Seriously, this is one of our most favourite songs ever, period. The music video is pretty simple, with BriBry simply playing the piano on an empty road at night, but the song is lovely and had us feeling all the feels.
We dare you to listen to lyrics like “if you ever died, I would question ever going on without you” and “would I bother going to outer space with nothing but a broken mind to keep me safe?” without getting choked up. See, we told you you wouldn’t be able to.
BriBry, why do you do this to us?!
3. A Song About A Girl – Luke Cutforth & Patty Walters
If you’re new to pop-punk, there are only three things you need to know: pizza, girls and friends. Now that you’re informed, watch Luke Cutforth‘s music video for his single, A Song About A Girl. Luke made this ultra-catchy track to celebrate hitting 500,000 subscribers and we have to say, it’s actually pretty good!
If you’re not singing along by the end then we seriously think you need to re-evaluate your life because we had an office sing-along (no, seriously, we filmed it and everything).
The video even features a pretty awesome – or disturbing (we’ll let you be the judge) – cameo from covers king, Patty Walters. Seriously, who knew Patty could rock a dress? We also learnt that Benedict Cumberbatch and Jennifer Lawrence are Luke’s parents. Geez, we wish our mums and dads were that cool (jk, we totes love our parents and think they’re the raddest).
We have one question for you, Luke: how are you going to top this once you reach 1,000,000 subscribers?
2. Go The Distance – Emma Blackery
Don’t deny it, Emma Blackery‘s Go The Distance was totally your jam back in summer 2013. We mean, how could it not be?! Not only is the track super catchy (seriously, Emma, you know how to write a good pop song), but the video is just oozing with adorableness.
Featuring Pete Bucknall, it’s probably the biggest love fest you’ll ever watch, with the duo going around Southend being the absolute cutest couple we could ever imagine. Honestly, we tried to count how many times we said “aww” while watching this and we lost count after 40 or so.
Side note: does this video not make you wish it were summer? Come on, Mother Nature, bring us back the warm weather!
1. Consent – Jack & Dean
Topping our list is none other than comedy duo Jack and Dean with their ultra-catchy single Consent. Mixing their trademark humour with an issue that’s been raised within the YouTube community over the past year, it’s a song we feel everyone should listen to (yes, that means you).
Sex and consent are topics our society needs to discuss more often and we feel Consent does a pretty great job introducing viewers. It’s also incredibly catchy – we mean, who knew that Jack and Dean were such great singers?! Granted, their dancing could use a bit of work. Don’t worry, guys, we can teach you a move or two.
What we also learnt from watching this video is that Daniel Dobbs will lend you his guitar talents for just £12! That’s a bargain, right there.
So there you have it…
TenEighty’s Five of the Best: Anthems by YouTubers. We hope they each had you dancing around your room while you sang your little heart out. What did you think of our choices? Be sure to shoot us a tweet letting us know your thoughts!
Want more Five of the Best? Why didn’t you say so:
- Five of the Best: Taste-Testing American Candy
- Five of the Best: Zalfie Moments
- Five of the Best: Song Covers
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