Doug Armstrong,Tom Law and Dodie Clark were among YouTubers to attend a two year anniversary party at the YouTube Space in London on Thursday night.
The celebration was held at the Google campus near Tottenham Court Road.
Despite the damage made to the main studio a week earlier, the celebration went ahead as planned and a number of YouTubers came down to show their appreciation for the facilities.
In keeping with the studios name, the theme for the party was ‘space’. Various areas within the campus were accessorised with spaceship themed decorations.
Entertainment included bands and a real life Princess Leia.
Check out some of our Twitter highlights from the event below:
No 3G :( Off to a party at the @YouTube creator space, London!
— Spoopy Sammy 💀 (@SammyAlbon) July 17, 2014
Youtube party! I just met the midnight beast help my 16 year old self is fangirling
— do(die) (@doddleoddle) July 17, 2014
Great show with @JordsOnline at @YouTube @google Party. Nice to meet the lads from @midnightbeastuk see you soon!
— The Parades (@TheParades) July 17, 2014
I went into SPACE with @MrJattski
— JamiesFace (@jamiesmouth) July 17, 2014
I found @KarimAbridged at this weird space party with beer. You could say we're at the SPACE BAR!
— Evan DEADinger (@EvanEdinger) July 17, 2014
Today I finally went to space, but I kinda messed it up . .
— Matt Amys (@mattamys) July 17, 2014
D'awww pre-storm apocalypse x
— Gary C (@oohgaryc) July 18, 2014
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